Friday, April 13, 2012

What has been keeping you smiling lately...?

Gintama :)

Ask me anything

do you want to be a Victoria's Secret angel someday?

Of course!

Ask me anything

hows your summer vacation? where did you spend it?

It's friggin' BITIN. Kulang na kulang dahil may summer class. ='(

Ask me anything

What's the nicest thing you did to support a friend?

Give them support in every way I can in the times of need.

Ask me anything

Front, middle or back of the movie theater?

It depends on my arrival. If I arrive early, I'll sit in front, but since I'm always late, most likely I'll sit in the back. :))

Ask me anything

Thursday, April 5, 2012

What is or was your best subject in school?

English XD

Ask me anything

which do you think is more legit, Bible or Koran?

It depends on your religion, since there's no such thing as a "greater" religion.

Ask me anything